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Speaking of Iran

'Rosewater' Journalist Slams Brooklyn Art Vandals: 'They Finished the Iranian Government's Job'

September 30, 2015
Speaking of Iran
'Rosewater' Journalist Slams Brooklyn Art Vandals: 'They Finished the Iranian Government's Job'
'Rosewater' Journalist Slams Brooklyn Art Vandals: 'They Finished the Iranian Government's Job'



Maziar Bahari — the Iranian journalist jailed in 2009 after appearing on ”The Daily Show With Jon Stewart,” and the man who inspired Stewart’s first feature film, “Rosewater” — has a word for the type of person who would deface a protest mural of a persecuted Muslim woman.

“They’re cowards,” Bahari, 47, said in an interview. ”They are like bigots and cowards all around the world. Ignorance is universal, and also cowardice.”


Link to the article


Images of Iran

Tehran Police Launch Huge Street Crime Operation

September 30, 2015
Tehran Police Launch Huge Street Crime Operation