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Speaking of Iran

My Grandpa Aghajan.

November 6, 2015
Speaking of Iran
My Grandpa Aghajan.
My Grandpa Aghajan.



Habibollah. A beloved of God. Beloved by Allah. That was my grandfather’s name. Each time I hear of trouble in Israel, I reach out for his memory as a sinking man to a buoy.

Habib- the beloved, as his friends referred to him- and Aghajan to me- an endearing name given to Persian grandpas meaning “lovely sir”- was a statues man with piercing blue eyes and a strong hand that gloved my little digits when crossing the cold and busy streets of Tehran.


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Speaking of Iran

Iran President Pushes Back Over Anti-U.S. Crackdown

November 5, 2015
Speaking of Iran
Iran President Pushes Back Over Anti-U.S. Crackdown