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Speaking of Iran

Iran's Other ISIS Problem

May 6, 2016
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
Iran's Other ISIS Problem
Iran's Other ISIS Problem

The national interest

By Fatemeh Aman and Alex Vatanka

n paper, Iran should be the one country in west Asia that does its utmost to counter the message of Islamic State (ISIS). The movement, after all, is both vehemently anti-Shia and deeply anti-Iranian in its messaging and worldview. However, Iran’s efforts to combat ISIS have been missing one important element, one that should be a prerequisite to any successful anti-ISIS campaign: taking innovative and meaningful steps to inoculate Iran’s own Sunni minority against ISIS dogma. Time is also a factor. Tehran sees ISIS’ rise in Iraq and Syria as a long-term challenge, but meanwhile, the movement’s emergence to Iran’s east, in Afghanistan and Pakistan, may not be as temporary as many have assumed.


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Heshmat Tabarzadi: Message to My Interrogator

May 6, 2016
Message the Torturers and the Murderers
2 min read
Heshmat Tabarzadi: Message to My Interrogator