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Iranian Security Forces Assault Woman Amid Hijab Crackdown

May 15, 2024
2 min read
A video from the capital city of Tehran shows a young woman being slapped across the face by an officer and forcefully bundled into a vehicle
A video from the capital city of Tehran shows a young woman being slapped across the face by an officer and forcefully bundled into a vehicle

Iranian security forces were filmed beating a young woman who apparently stood against the compulsory hijab regulations.

A video from the capital city of Tehran shows a young woman being slapped across the face by an officer and forcefully bundled into a vehicle.

"You are breaking my neck," the woman's voice can be heard saying. "Let me go."

On Wednesday, Iran's police said the officer's behavior "was far from moral conduct" and announced his "arrest and suspension."

Since last month, Iran's law enforcement agencies have intensified the enforcement of hijab regulations under the national action plan 'Noor,' which means light in Persian. 

The latest enforcement of severe measures began on April 13, just hours before Iran launched hundreds of suicide drones and missiles at Israel.

Across Iran, there have been numerous reports of women being arrested and subjected to the use of force due to perceived violations of mandatory dress codes.

Users across social networks are participating in a spontaneous campaign using the hashtag "war against women" to document their experiences and observations regarding the government's crackdown on the opponents of mandatory hijab.

Reports have surfaced detailing the use of repressive tactics, particularly on female students in various universities.

Moreover, pressure has also been mounting on civil activists, political dissenters, women political prisoners, and cultural figures.

Several videos have shown officials surveilling the streets and looking for women in breach of the Islamic Republic's dress code laws.

The new crackdown comes almost two years after the death in custody of Mahsa Amini, who was arrested for her alleged "improper" hijab. 

The death of 22-year-old Amini unleashed months of mass protests across Iran and marked the biggest challenge to Iran's clerical leaders since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. 

More than 500 people were killed as the Islamic Republic fought back against the protesters, who gained support from around the world. 

In March, a fact-finding mission mandated by the United Nations said the death of Amini in the custody of Iran's morality police was 'unlawful' and women in the country remain subjected to wide-ranging discrimination. 

"Our investigation established that her death was unlawful and caused by physical violence in the custody of state authorities," Sara Hossain, chairperson of the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Iran, told the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.

She said the protests that followed were marked by "egregious human rights violations," including extra-judicial executions, arbitrary arrests, torture, and ill-treatment, as well as rape and sexual violence.

"These acts were conducted in the context of a widespread and systematic attack against women and girls, and other persons expressing support for human rights," Hossain added. 



Security Crisis Stirs Iran With Violent Crimes, Brutal Hijab Enforcement

May 15, 2024
1 min read
Security Crisis Stirs Iran With Violent Crimes, Brutal Hijab Enforcement