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Journalism is not a Crime

Iran Declares London-Based TV Channel As "Terrorist" Organization

November 9, 2022
1 min read
Iran Declares London-Based TV Channel As "Terrorist" Organization

Iran says it has declared a London-based, Farsi-language news channel as a "terrorist organization," after its broadcaster announced that two of its journalists have received "credible" death threats from Iranian security forces.

Iranian Intelligence Minister Ismail Khatib said in an interview with Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s website that those who work with Saudi-funded Iran International TV would be “pursued” by his ministry.

"From now on, any kind of connection with this terrorist organization will be considered to be tantamount to entering the field of terrorism and a threat to national security.”

Earlier this week, Volant Media, Iran International’s broadcaster, said in a statement that two British-Iranian journalists working in Britain have received "death threats from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps."

It described the threats as a "dangerous escalation" of attempts by the Iranian regime to silence media in the face of nationwide protests.

Volant Media said that the two journalists received formal "warnings of credible threats to their lives," and those of their families, from London’s Metropolitan Police.

The Met said in a response sent to the AFP news agency: "We do not comment on matters of protective security in relation to any specific individuals."



Flowers Laid In A Pool Of Blood For Crackdown Victim Mehran Shekari

November 9, 2022
Shohreh Mehrnami
2 min read
Flowers Laid In A Pool Of Blood For Crackdown Victim Mehran Shekari