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Iranian Petrochemical Workers Rally for Overdue Salaries

May 14, 2024
1 min read
Contract workers at Iran's Makeran Petrochemical in the Chabahar Free Trade Zone have been holding a rally since Saturday, demanding payment of overdue salaries
Contract workers at Iran's Makeran Petrochemical in the Chabahar Free Trade Zone have been holding a rally since Saturday, demanding payment of overdue salaries

Contract workers at Iran's Makeran Petrochemical in the Chabahar Free Trade Zone have been holding a rally since Saturday, demanding payment of overdue salaries.

According to the Iran's Labor News Agency (ILNA), the company management has not provided a clear explanation for the salary delays.

"The situation at the company has been poor for the past year," a worker told ILNA. "After the Nowruz holiday [Iranian New Year in March], the payment of our wages has stalled, and managers say they can't pay."

This is not the first instance of delayed wages at Makeran Petrochemical; workers held a similar protest in March for unpaid arrears.

The workers' frustration is exacerbated by a recent 35 per cent wage increase approved by the Supreme Labor Council, which they consider insufficient amid high inflation.

Labor representatives have criticized the raise as "outrageous" and are advocating for additional measures to improve worker livelihoods, including an increase in housing allowances.

However, the government has upheld its stance, with the Minister of Labor asserting that the current minimum wage is adequate.



Australia Sanctions Iranian Officials and Entities For Middle East 'Destabilization'

May 14, 2024
1 min read
Australia Sanctions Iranian Officials and Entities For Middle East 'Destabilization'